Search Results

There are 50 item(s) tagged with the keyword "autism spectrum".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 50

1. A Rewarding Peer Mentor Experience

I’ve been a peer mentor for over one year for an individual who is on the autism spectrum. Through our relati...

2. Awareness Into Action

This month we have heard a lot about autism awareness.  I love the idea of using blue lights and other methods to r...

3. Meet Madison House and #Imagine21: A Mini- Documentary Series On Autism After 21

At age 21, our friends with autism lose access to many of the supports they receive as children. The #Imagine21 mini-doc...

4. I Accept Myself

I've been searching for the visual language to express my frustration with labels and branding. While there are times I ...

5. Accepting Oneself Without Judgement : Father of Son on The Autism Spectrum

By: A Jason's Connection Guest Blogger  As a father of a son on the autism spectrum, I have at times mentioned t...

6. Going Through The (E)motions

Life has it’s ups and downs like an EKG monitor. If it’s flat, it means you’re probably dead, but, ...

7. Accepting Ourselves

We are not about 'overcoming' but accepting ourselves and seeing the value that comes with differences. 

8. Disability and Diversity

When we talk about disability, we are really talking about diversity.

9. Toronto, The Summer of Learning About a Method of Inclusion

This summer, I had the pleasure to attend the Toronto Summer Institute Inclusion Conference. To be honest, it blew my mi...

10. People Accepting People

Inclusion is not a building or a program. Inclusion is people being with people and people accepting others.

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 50

There are 50 item(s) tagged with the keyword "autism spectrum".
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