Jason’s Connection founder, Jason Harris, recently sat down to talk with blogger Jasmine Leiser. In this fascinating interview, Ms. Leiser shares her unique perspective and her experiences as a student, blogger, and person living with cerebral palsy.
Ms. Leiser is 20 years old and an active college student. She also happens to have a disability. She is fascinated by storytelling, and shares her thoughts in a weekly blog that is by turns edgy, funny, and always razor sharp. She pulls no punches in her writing.
“There is no box that you check for whether someone who experiences a certain disability ‘looks like this’ or not.”
JASMINE LEISER is a college student at the University of California, Berkeley, blogger for the Daily Californian, and young woman who experiences disability. Her writing is incisive, witty, and gives unique insight into both the college and disability experiences. Check out more of her writing at:
For a downloadable podcast of this interview, please visit: